
Monday 30 June 2014

“Get your dreams in line and then just shine, design, refine ‘til they come true.” Inspirational Quote Dolly Parton

 “Get your dreams in line and then just shine, design, refine ‘til they come true.” Dolly Parton

I thought I would give you this quote today after Dolly's amazing performance on the stage at the Glasontonbury festival this year. At the fabulous age of 68 she drew the biggest crowd on the Glastonbury 2014 stage, a wonderful feat. She demonstrates such a zest for life and down to earth fun that you can't help but be caught up with her enthusiasm. She teaches us that we can follow our bliss! I love this quote, she shows us to go for our dreams, they may need refining along the way but we can still reach our end goal if we reach hard enough for it. 

"You don’t need to have it all figured out, just start where you are. What is it that excites you most right now? Take action. The more you pursue what you love, the more opportunities will come your way. They may not be what you expected — they may be even bigger and better than you imagined! But go ahead and get started. Get to livin’ because life is your canvas, cowgirl."http://mindbodyspiritofacowgirl.com

Shining blessings to you, Alison 

Saturday 28 June 2014

New Moon Affirmation for June 2014

We have a beautiful new moon today, full of promise, new beginnings and expectations. Enjoy the wonderful new energy that is around at the moment. Here is a lovely new moon affirmation for you to enjoy.

This is a new month, I am a new me, I welcome the road ahead. 

Embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of you this month and use the energy of our waxing moon to help you push ahead with any new projects that you start this new moon.

New moon blessings to you, Alison xxx

Thursday 26 June 2014

"One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity. Connect with those around you today. Gratitude quote Steve Maraboli

"One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity. Connect with those around you today.  Say 'I love you', 'I'm Sorry', 'I appreciate you', 'I'm proud of you' whatever you are feeling. Send random texts, write a cute note, embrace your truth and share it..cause a smile today for someone else and give plenty of hugs"

Another wonderful quote from the amazing Steve Maraboli. I love his words he speaks such simple truths that we all know in our hearts yet sometimes forget to follow. This is an easy one to do, such a simple thing to tell someone you love them, send a text, write a note, leave a post it on the fridge or a note in a lunch box. Practice random kindness! It is simple and easy to do yet you will make that person's day. And hugging, you cannot underestimate the power of a hug. It has been scientifically been proven to increase seretonin and decrease the signs of ageing apparently so hug as many times as you can throughout the day! Connecting with others in this way will remind you of your own gratitude for their presence in your life, reminding you of the way their lives enrich your life. We are all part of this wonderful web of life and can embrace it with all our hearts.

Rainbow hugs, AstarteAlison

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now. Positive Mindfulness quote. Eckhart Tolle

Nothing every happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; and if the past cannot prevent you from being present now, what power does it have? Eckhart Tolle

This is a quote from Eckhart Tolle's brilliant book A New Earth: Create a Better Life
 "Responding to a radical crisis that threatens our very survival – this is humanity’s challenge now.
...humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die.
What is arising now is not a new belief system, a new religion, spiritual ideology, or mythology. We are coming to the end not only of mythologies but also of ideologies and belief systems. The change goes deeper than the content of your mind, deeper than your thoughts."

Click on the image below to find out more about this fabulous title

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Litha Summer Solstice Blessings, Free e cards for friends and family

So it's the Summer Solstice or Litha this weekend 21st June 2014. A lot of us are not fortunate enough to live near to our closest family and friends. Or perhaps we have a lot of Pagan friends that we have met over the internet who we would like to send a Litha greeting to.

I have therefore made a couple of free e-cards for you to send to your family and friends that you are not able to be with this Litha, please feel free to right click on the image and send your Litha greetings via the internet. Send a little love this Summer Solstice!

Although I can't be with you on this longest day of the Summer Solstice I send you love and warm wishes to light your days. May your heart be filled with sunshine and happiness today and all days.

Litha Summer Solstice Blessings to you. May the sun's rays penetrate your crown chakra and fill your whole body with warmth and strength whilst like the sunflower you remain constantly rooted and grounded upon our Mother Earth. 

Enjoy the wonderful light that the longest day brings into our lives this summer solstice. Wherever you are enjoy the friends and family you have near you and send out thoughts and good wishes to those that cannot be with you on this wonderful day.

Litha blessings to you all, AstarteAlison

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Ten fun facts about the Summer Solstice or Litha

Ten fun facts about the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and is  generally celebrated on the 21st June. So those are facts that you knew already! Below are a few facts that you may or may not know about this wonderful time of year, a celebration of the wonderful strength of our amazing sun.

The common name used amongst Pagans for the Summer Solstice is Litha. Other names for Litha include: Lithia, Alban Hefin(Gaelic for light of the shore), Sun Blessing, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whit Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia(Roman), The Feast of Epona(Ancient Gaulish) Thing-Tide, Sank Hans Aften(Denmak) and St. John's Day. If you have heard of any more I would love to hear from you!

The word Solstice comes from the Latin ‘solstitium’ meaning 'Sun stands still' because the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south stops before changing direction.

Litha is often synonymous with Midsummer and is said to be associated with Faeries or the fey folk. Offerings of milk and honey were often left out for them.

Transformed by Ruth Calder Murphy

As well as faeries there were thought to be evil sprits around at this time of year therefore our ancesters wore garlands of herbs and flowerflowers to protect themselves. The most popular of these was St Johns wort which was known as ‘chase’devil’

Litha was known as Sankt Hans Aften in Denmark and was an official holiday until 1770.

Litha was celebrated with bonfires as a reflection of the sun. Folk would jump through the fires and it was said that the height that they jumped would be the height of their crops the following year.

The Chinese celebrate this time of year by honouring Li the Goddess of Light

The Druids celebrated the day as the wedding of heaven and earth. They believed this to be a very sacred day, seeing the wonderful long day as a blessing given to us by mother earth. Handfasting ceremonies became very popular during June and even today it remains popular to have a June wedding.

The full moon that occurs near the time of the Summer Solstice is often termed Mead moon, name for the drink made from honey, often served at handfasting ceremonies.

In Poland the night of merrymaking - also known as St. John’s Night or “Noc ÅšwiÄ™tojaÅ„ska” - is still observed in some areas and some Polish communities in the United States

Saturday 7 June 2014

We are born as magical beings, each of us has the innate ability to be magical. Pagan Spiritual Quotation

We are born as magical beings, each of us has the innate ability to be magical, we just need to tap into that source.

Mother nature teaches us that all we need we already have. In our busy lives we have often forgotten the ways of the old. In following a simple Pagan lifestyle we learn to follow the ways of the earth and listen to the ancient wisdom Mother Nature has to offer us. 

Magickal blessings to you, AstarteAlison

Monday 2 June 2014

Moon Phases for June 2014 and Full Moon times

I'm a little late I'm sorry but here are the moon phases for June 2014 for you.

We have a full moon on the 12th June. The full moon in June is often known as the Strawberry Moon or the Flower Moon.

The times for our full moon are detailed below:

Moon sign: Sagittarius 22° 05'

WELLINGTON = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 04:11:30 pm (NZST)
SYDNEY = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 02:11:30 pm (AEST)
TOKYO = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 01:11:30 pm (JST)
BEIJING = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 12:11:30 pm (CST)
BANGKOK = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 11:11:30 am (ICT)
DELHI = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 09:41:30 am (IST)
MOSCOW = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 08:11:30 am (MSK)
RIYADH = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 07:11:30 am (AST)
BERLIN = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 06:11:30 am (CEST)
LONDON = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 05:11:30 am (BST)
RIO = Sunday Friday 13th June 2014 * 01:11:30 am (BRT)
NEW YORK = Friday * 13th June 2014 * 12:11:30 am (EDT)
MEXICO CITY = Thursday * 12th June 2014 * 11:11:30 pm (CDT)
LOS ANGELES = Thursday * 12th June 2014 * 09:11:30 pm (PDT)
HONOLULU = Thursday * 12th June 2014 * 06:11:30 pm (HAST)

Sunday 1 June 2014

Listen closely for your spirit is always speaking to you. Positive Inspirational Quote. Shari Alyse

Listen closely for your spirit is always speaking to you. Pay attention to what inspires you as that is your internal guidance. If it stirs your soul and excites you, its probably meant for you to do. Shari Alyse