
Monday, 6 May 2013

Beltane in Glastonbury, Tor, Chalice Well, May Day Maypole dancing, fun for all!

I'm finally getting round on 6th May to writing a little about the beautiful Beltane day we had on 1st May in Glastonbury. I hope you enjoy these photographs, if you or anyone you know is in them and doesn't wish to be then please let me know and I will take them down from the site.

We started with a very early start for us; 4.20, I'm not accustomed to that time in morning! By the time we got to the top of Glastonbury Tor it was already full of people but we had plenty of time to enjoy the sunrise.  As we arrived  Rollo Maughfling, the Archdruid of Glastonbury and Stonehenge was conducting a beautiful  Beltane dawn ceremony  on the top of the Tor.

Morris Men on Glastonbury Tor at Dawn

We were also treated to a wonderful May Day performance by the Cam valley Morris Men who danced in front of St Michael's tower on the top of Glastonbury Tor. The sunrise was beautiful, we didn't go up the Tor last year as it had been raining so it was a real treat to have such wonderful clear blue skies and golden sun to
Heralding the Beltane dawn
welcome in the new Beltane dawn.

After we had our fill of the sun's rays on top of the Tor we made our way down to the Chalice Well Gardens and to the bonfire that had been built in the Cress Field. Chalice Well is a wonderful spot in Glastonbury, it is a World Peace Garden, a place of peace and tranquility for those of all faiths to gather. By 7.30am there was a lovely crowd of people all gathered to welcome the day in together in this wonderfully peaceful spot. We sang, listened to drumming, held hands and jumped the fire, a really fabulous start to this blessed day.
Encouraging the flames to life in the Chalice Well

Following the ceremony at the chalice well we decided we would reluctantly miss their maypole dancing at 9.30 to nip off to the travelodge and check out etc. We were then back in the town square to be entertained by some fine musicians and dancers before the Greenmen arrived with the maypole amidst much admiring from the crowd! The lovely May Queen and Summer King were crowned to round off the early afternoon 

Even the dogs in Glastonbury joined in the celebrations! Actually this little darling is Wendy my Mum's rescued dog all the way from Serbia!
The arrival of the Maypole!

Everyone then processed following the maypole and the red and white dragons up the high street! 
The May Queen and Summer King

The Dragons process up Glastonbury High Street
At 1.30pm, to round off the celebrations at Chalice Well, we arrived
Painting green men and women in the market square
with the maypole in Wellhouse Lane, between the White Spring and the opened Monk's Gate in to Chalice Well, here the maypole was blessed with water from the red, white and blue springs of Glastonbury.
 We waited here a while whilst people enjoyed the White Springs and the energy of the wonderful day.  The procession then walked up the hill to Bushey Coombe 

Blessing of the Maypole at the White Spring

On arrival at Bushey Coombe everyone processed through a beautiful arbor and were greeted which was really lovely, it is great to be made to feel so welcome. The crowd then formed a circle, the directions were called and the ceremony was opened. The  maypole was  then lifted, with some time taken to make sure it was secure! - it did get a little tilted half way through the dance and had to be corrected! 
Glastonbury Beltane Maypole dancing

Everyone had a lovely time dancing around the Maypole, young and old, everyone joined in the merriment. We ended with a closing of the circle and a beautiful gathering around the maypole.
Closing the circle at Bushey Coombe

I can't express enough my thank-yous to all those many people that helped make this a wonderful Beltane 2013, and indeed do so every year. Thank-you all of you, most of you I only know by sight but thank-you and brightest blessings to you. I can't wait now until Beltane 2014 in Glastonbury!

Hands raised in unity and celebration xx

Alison Beltane Glastonbury 2013


  1. ...looooooooooooooove the photography! ~ super swell awesomeness! ~ blessed be! ~ dear kindred heart!...(O:

  2. Thanks for sharing such beauty, magic and bliss...gorgeous photos..you can feel the spirit and energy shining strongly through them all. Such a magical place. I have a special pendant of chalice well my friend brought me from there..it is sacred and special to me!Shine on..how I would have enjoyed myself there..lovely to see such kindreds creating magic!

  3. Alison, this is so beautiful! I wish I could have came ;o) Maybe one day ;o) I so enjoyed all the pictures! Many blessings to you ;o)

  4. I forgot to say, I love the puppy ;o)

  5. It is a truly wonderful place I adore going down there and it is wonderful this time of year. The chalice well is wonderful, so peaceful there. The doggie is wendy she is lovely! xx

  6. This is so wonderful,,, I shall return...
