Mary Angelou is 80 years old now and still has a cheerful outlook on life. It is so important to be kind and good to yourself, believe in yourself and others will believe in you too. If you keep saying that you are not good at something then that prophecy will undoubtably be fulfilled. I'm not very good at mental arithmetic or remembering people's names. However I found that the more I told people this out loud and apologised for the fact, the worse I became! Now I don't say anything, I believe that I am good at it and I am better! So, admittedly I will never be brilliant, its not my forte we can't all be fabulous at everything but I am so much better for believing in myself. By thinking good things about yourself you can manifest a better future and present for yourself, and those around you will be treat you with loving kindness and that has to be a good thing doesn't it?
One of Mary Angelou's best selling books is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
I know why the caged bird sings is part of six volumes of her autobiograhy which make for fascinating reading.
"Maya Angelou's six volumes of autobiography are a testament to the talents and resilience of this extraordinary writer. Loving the world, she also knows its cruelty. As a Black woman she has known discrimination and extreme poverty, but also hope, joy, achievement and celebration. In this first volume of her six books of autobiography, Maya Angelou beautifully evokes her childhood with her grandmother in the American south of the 1930s. She learns the power of the white folks at the other end of town and suffers the terrible trauma of rape by her mother's lover.
'I write about being a Black American woman, however, I am always talking about what it's like to be a human being. This is how we are, what makes us laugh, and this is how we fall and how we somehow, amazingly, stand up again' Maya Angelou" amazon
This is another of Mary Angelou's lovely quotes:
"A Woman in harmony with her Spirit
is like a river flowing.
She goes where she will without pretense..
and arrives at her destination,
prepared to be herself
and only herself. "
Be in harmony with your spirit and allow your life to flow like a river.
Blessings to you, Alison xx
Great post!! ;o)