Through looking at elements of the Goddess that we see in ourselves we can develop our minds and bodies and draw strength from the qualities of the Goddess we come to realise are within us also. We are strong enlightened beings and should celebrate that fact and recognise the ups and downs of life as part of our spiritual development.
Dion fortune was born in Wales in 1890 and is considered to be one of the foremost pioneers of modern magic, she helped with an understanding of the world of magick which was quite advanced for her day. She believed that there is much to be gained from looking within and listening to what your soul is telling you.
Dion Fortune also wrote fiction which are a great read, I highly recommend if you have not read any of her books before. Almost 15 years after she first appeared in Sea Priestess, Dion Fortune wrote about her heroine Vivien Le Fay again in her second classic novel, Moon Magic. In Moon Magic Vivien appears as Lilith Le Fay, and uses her knowledge of moon-tides to construct an astral temple of Hermetic magic. Dion Fortune's novels are enduring favourites among readers of esoteric fiction. Her book Moon Magic
Enlighten you mind, own your body and celebrate your emotions! Always remember your soul knows the way. Goddess blessings, Alison xx
Goddess blessings ;o) Beautiful post ;o)