
Saturday, 21 September 2013

"The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation. Steve Maraboli Inspirational quote

"The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realise that the situation is over, you cannot move forward." Steve Maraboli

Wise words from Steve Maraboli, we sometimes do indeed need to forgive ourselves and the situation before we can move forwards. The waning moon is the best time if you need to walk away from a situation you have realised is over and you need to move forward from. Doing so at the time of the waning moon will make a difficult situation easier as you will be working with nature on your side. These things are never easy but if at least we can involve the natural forces of nature that we have to hand we can make life easier for ourselves.

blessings to you, Alison


  1. I love this, it is so true, one must learn to let go if they are to move forward. Not always easy sometimes.
    In love and light

    1. yes, very difficult to do but so true, Mabon Blessings to you xx

  2. So true my friend!! I have to read this to my brother! Big Hugs! xoxoxo

    1. hope he is ok, blessings to you, Alison xx

  3. Blessings ღηℯ~ℒღѵℯ ℒღѵℯ~ღηℯ ☆∞••⊱
