"You are the power in your world! You get to have whatever you choose to think" Louise Hay
Louise Hay puts the importance of a positive mental attitude into simple succinct words. I thought I would give this one a wintry theme as well to celebrate the Winter Solstice.
The wonderful Louise Hay writes lots of beautiful words including some fabulous positive affirmations.
Below are some of the wonderful publications that Louise Hay has written including books and positive affirmation cards.
This is one of her positive affirmation cards:
Everything in my life works, now and forevermore.
This is from the pack from Louise Hay
Power Thought Cards (Beautiful Card Deck)
What a wonderful affirmation from Louise Hay to repeat on a regular basis! You can print both of these affirmations if you like and place them somewhere where you will see them regularly.
Below are some wonderful Louise Hay publications, just click on the picture to find out more.
Beautiful! Great words!