
Wednesday 21 May 2014

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. Joseph Campbell.

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. Joseph Campbell.

Fabulous quote from the wonderful writer Joseph Campbell. The lovely photography is by Denis Savoie Photography.

It is important as we go through life that we are working with Mother Nature not against her. It is all too easy in the busy lives we lead to forget the importance that nature has to play in all our lives, our happiness and our spiritual development.

"Joseph Campbell was the world s greatest authority on myth, his monumental four-volume The Masks of God is a definitive work on the subject, and in Myths to Live By he explores how these enduring myths still influence our daily lives and can provide personal meaning in our lives. Myths are a way of explaining the cosmos, the origin of life and Man s relationship with their environment; they play a cohesive role in society. Joseph Campbell analyses myth in psychoanalytic terms to reveal their essential qualities and to demonstrate how they continue to reflect human needs, providing reassurance even in today s world. Ranging from Zen koans and Indian aesthetics to walking on the moon, Joseph Campbell explores how myth and religion follow the same archetypes, which are not exclusive to any single race, religion or region. Campbell believed that all religion is a search for the same transcendent and fundamental spiritual truths. He shows how we must recognise the common denominators between differing myths and faiths and allow this knowledge to fulfil human potential everywhere."

Click the image below to find out more of Joseph Campbell's wonderful writings.

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